/ De Pree Art Gallery

Juried Student Show

Guest Juror Kekeli Sumah

November 22December 6, 2019Image of Kekeli Sumah speaking with students.

Open to all students at Hope, the competitive Juried Student Show is an annual fixture in the De Pree gallery. Each year, the Department of Art and Art History invites a recognized artist or curator to select and judge the student work. 

Kekeli Sumah is an audio-visual artist and serves as curatorial fellow at the Driehaus Museum in Chicago. Sumah received his bachelors degree in fine art and visual critical studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Born in Accra, Ghana, he moved to Vienna, Austria, to complete his secondary education. Sumahs cross-disciplinary works explore the cultural politics of globalization and the construction of identity, particularly the tangled interrelationship between Europe and Africa. Sumah uses the lens of post-colonialism and hybridity to question the constituent characteristics of contemporary identity by mingling Western art historical traditions with the Other.

Press release for the 2019 Juried Student Show 

Juror's Talk

Monday, November 11 | 56 p.m.
Cook Auditorium, De Pree Art Center and Gallery

Opening Reception

Friday, November 22 | 56:30 p.m.
De Pree Art Center and Gallery 

  • People standing around looking at art on display in the gallery during the Juried Student Show.
  • View of art on display in the gallery during the Juried Student Show.
  • People standing around looking at art on display in the gallery during the Juried Student Show.
  • People determining how art should be displayed during the Juried Student Show.