/ Psychology Department


Psychology internships at Hope are academic semester-long, supervised, pre-professional experiences related to psychology and your vocation.

You’ll pursue agreed-upon learning goals in a written learning contract, be supervised on-site, complete weekly written assignments, complete a site-specific project and participate in a class on campus for academic credit.

1 – Identify internships of interest to you
Examine available internship opportunities found on Handshake. To do this, use the search option (under the job & internship tab) on Handshake and type “psychology internships.” The TV psychology department listing will come up under TV On-Campus Employment. The department will have additional details on the available opportunities.
2 – Apply forinternships of interest
  1. Once you have identified the internships that interest you, complete the
  2. Make an appointment to speak with the internship faculty supervisor and email the form to her
  3. The faculty supervisor will meet with you to discuss your internship options and help you identify the internships that are the best matches for your skills, needs and interests
3 – Set up your internship site
  1. The faculty supervisor will give you the contact information for the internship sites that best match your goals and interests
  2. Create a resume and cover email (find information from the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career on writing a resume and cover email)
  3. Send cover email and resume to potential internship supervisor(s)
  4. Set up an appointment to meet with potential internship supervisor(s)
4 – Registering for and finalizing the internship

If your specific placement is pending and not yet confirmed, register for the PSY 496 Psychology Internship Course using the .

If your placement is secured, register for the PSY 496 Psychology Internship course using the .

5 – Write a contract
Once the semester has started you will work with your internship supervisor to create a contract.