2015 Baccalaureate and Commencement Photos and Video
More than 700 graduating seniors participated in TV’s 150th Commencement, celebrating the graduating Class of 2015, on Sunday, May 3.
The Commencement speaker was Tim Schoonveld, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Co-Director of Athletics and Associate Director of the Center for Faithful Leadership at Hope. Tim Schoonveld was also presented with the “Hope Outstanding Professor Educator” (H.O.P.E.) Award by TV’s graduating class.
Baccalaureate was held earlier in the day, at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. The Baccalaureate sermon was delivered by Gerald Pillay, who is Vice Chancellor and Rector of Liverpool Hope University in England, one of Hope’s international partner institutions, and is also a member of the TV Board of Trustees.
Did you miss Commencement this year? or view photo galleries from the day and watch the entire ceremony below:
The Wind Ensenble performs for Commencement under the direction of Dr. Gabe Southard. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Students gather for the Commencement procession. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Students gather for the Commencement procession. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Marshals Joanne Stuart and Fred Johnson lead the graduates on the field past the applauding faculty. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Marshals Joanne Stuart and Fred Johnson lead the graduates on the field past the applauding faculty. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Marshals Joanne Stuart and Fred Johnson lead the graduates to their seats. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
The Wind Ensenble performs for Commencement under the direction of Dr. Gabe Southard. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Retiring Professor John Shaughnessy is recognized during Commencement . Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Retiring Professor Jack Holmes is recognized during Commencement . Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
President Knapp speaks during Commencement. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Phil Blauw streams Commencement on the internet for family and friends not able to attend in person. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Professor and Co-Athletic Director Tim Schoonveld was presented with the “Hope Outstanding Professor Educator” (H.O.P.E.) Award by the graduating class. He is pictured with graduating seniors Jay Glover and Tara Hoover. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Professor and Co-Athletic Director Tim Schoonveld gives the Commencement address. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Professor and Co-Athletic Director Tim Schoonveld gives the Commencement address. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
An overview of the Commencement ceremony. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
An overview of the Commencement ceremony. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
An overview of the Commencement ceremony. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
New graduates receiving their diplomas from President Knapp. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Graduating senior Jenna Blankespoor is presented her diploma by her grandfather, Harvey Blankespoor, professor emeritus. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Scott Travis presents Alumni Association pins to new graduates. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Scott Travis presents Alumni Association pins to new graduates. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
New graduates receiving their diplomas from President Knapp. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
New graduates receiving their diplomas from President Knapp. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
New graduates waiting to receive their diplomas from President Knapp. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Seniors who sang in the Chapel Choir perform the Alma Mater. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Degrees are officially conferred upon the graduates and caps are tossed. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Graduating seniors take photos prior to processing to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Graduating seniors take photos prior to processing to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Graduating seniors celebrate prior to processing to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Graduating seniors pose for photos prior to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Graduating seniors gather prior to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015.
Graduating seniors headed to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Graduating seniors headed to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Graduating seniors headed to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Faculty applaud seniors prior to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Faculty applaud seniors prior to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Graduating seniors enter Dimnent Memorial Chapel for the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Graduating seniors ente Dimnent Memorial Chapel for the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Faculty entering Dimnent Memorial Chapel for the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Faculty entering Dimnent Memorial Chapel for the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Baccalaureate Service in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
President John Knapp speaking during the Baccalaureate Service. Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Dr.Gerald Pillay, vice chancellor and rector of Liverpool Hope University gives sermon at the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
The Rev. Dr. Trygve Johnson leads Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Photos being taken following the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Photos being taken following the Baccalaureate Service. Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Students in caps and gowns waiting outside of the DeWitt Center priorto the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Faculty applaud seniors prior to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Faculty applaud seniors prior to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Faculty applaud seniors prior to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Faculty applaud seniors prior to the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Photos being taken following the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Photos being taken following the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Reception following the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Congratulations sign celebrating math graduates. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Photos being taken following the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Photos being taken following the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
Photos being taken following the Baccalaureate Service. Photo by Tom Renner on May 3, 2015
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