做厙TV staff members were honored for service anniversaries during a reception on Tuesday, March 11, at the Jack H. Miller Center for Musical Arts.
The event celebrates five-year service anniversaries starting at the fifth year. The anniversaries ranged from five to 30 years:
30 Years:
- Shelley Roach, Physical Plant
25 Years:
- Carla Davis, Human Resources
20 Years:
- Adam Ford, DeWitt Tennis Center, Kinesiology
- Cathy Stoel, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Geological and Environmental Science, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics
15 Years:
- Stephanie Aubin, Computing and Information Technology
- Deb DuMez, Computing and Information Technology
- JoHannah Smith, Van Raalte Institute
- Elizabeth Szczerowksi, Boerigter Center for Calling and Career, Center for Leadership
10 Years:
- Josh Bishop, Public Affairs and Marketing
- Elizabeth Council, Public Affairs and Marketing
- Michael Day, Physical Plant
- Drew Elliot, Music
- Kim Frey, Human Resources
- Patricia Kloosterman, Physical Plant
- Brian Slenk, Computing and Information Technology
5 Years:
- Zoe Abadi, Philanthropy and Engagement
- Carol Bassett, DeWitt Tennis Center
- Stephanie DeLoof, Business Services
- Jason Gomory, Presidents Office
- Alexandra Hoard, Philanthropy and Engagement
- Dina Martinez Matchinsky, Admissions
- Luke Scott, Campus Safety
- Christopher Smith, Physical Plant