/ Student Life

Before You Arrive

August will be here before you know it. Stay on top of the information before you arrive!

10 Things You Need to Know (or Do) to Prepare for College

  1. Take time to think about and prepare for the . Dr. Ellen has some helpful tips!
  2. Find out more about from Residential Life! Check out the residential life website for more information on what you can expect in each residence hall.
  3. Learn how to navigate your wellness at Hope. Resources at Hope like the , , , , , and the office are great places to find support!
  4. Talk with your future roommate. Figure out what you will need to bring to college. Use this packing list as a guide, but be sure to coordinate with your roommate as well! 
  5. After you get your class schedule, buy your books from Hope’s Bookstore. You can pick them up during staggered move-in and Orientation weekend. 
  6. Check out ways you can get involved on campus! Join groups in  or the , learn about yourself and career options with the , or sign up for a study partner at the .
  7. Check your Hope email. Tell your favorite adult about the latest information in your weekly This Week at Hope email! 
  8. Pay your bill. Here is some information from Business Services for how students can access their bills, different payment options and how to make a parent or guardian an “authorized user.”
  9. with campus! 
  10. Take a deep breath. You can do this. Email orientation@hope.edu with any questions you might have!

Family during Orientation