/ Philosophy Department

Special Programs and Opportunities

Lead campus-wide conversations. Get up-close and personal with renowned philosophers. Prepare for graduate studies.

Speaker in a lecture

Speaker Series

  • An opportunity to address the ways philosophy touches on important issues of our time
  • Past visitors include:
    • Alvin Plantinga on religion and science
    • Charles Mills on philosophy of race
    • Bertha Alvarez Manninen on abortion
    • Nicholas Wolterstorff on art
    • Meghan Sullivan on religious language
    • Alicia Finch on divine foreknowledge and freedom


  • The philosophy department gives out awards for excellence in philosophy
  • These Charles E. Lake Memorial Awards are available to first-year, sophomore, junior and senior students. 2024 recipients were:
    • First-Year – Spencer Dykstra and Samantha Eriks
    • Sophomore – Stephen Price
    • Junior – Ava Arendt and Bryan Forrest
    • Senior – William Cooke and Sander Owens
  • James B. Allis Philosophia Award
    • Xander Lams

Philosophy students present research.

Independent Study

  • Independent studies are research and writing projects studying a particular philosopher or topic in-depth. These lead to a piece of writing that demonstrates strong philosophical scholarship.
  • Students should speak to the department chair or a faculty member with expertise in their chosen area for more information.

Faculty-Student Research

  • Students have worked with philosophy faculty to and to present papers of their own and co-written papers at professional conferences
  • Students have made important contributions to books such as , , and

Dr. Kate Finley working with a student for a research project