Wherever you find yourself in the college search process, we’re excited to assist you. Go Hope!
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Roberto Escalante-GonzalezAdmissions - Representative 616.395.7850
escalante@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Julie GazmarianSenior Assistant Director 616.395.7850
gazmarian@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Julie GazmarianSenior Assistant Director 616.395.7850
gazmarian@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Greg KernSenior Associate Director of Admissions 616.395.7897
kern@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Greg KernSenior Associate Director of Admissions 616.395.7897
kern@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Julie GazmarianSenior Assistant Director 616.395.7850
gazmarian@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Greg KernSenior Associate Director of Admissions 616.395.7897
kern@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Greg KernSenior Associate Director of Admissions 616.395.7897
kern@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Angela AugustaAdmissions Representative 616.395.7850
augusta@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Angela AugustaAdmissions Representative 616.395.7850
augusta@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Angela AugustaAdmissions Representative 616.395.7850
augusta@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Angela AugustaAdmissions Representative 616.395.7850
augusta@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Angela AugustaAdmissions Representative 616.395.7850
augusta@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Angela AugustaAdmissions Representative 616.395.7850
augusta@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Leah DykstraAssociate Director of Admissions 616.395.7850
dykstral@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Lance PellowAssociate Director of Admissions 616.395.7910
pellow@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Lance PellowAssociate Director of Admissions 616.395.7910
pellow@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Patrick DanielAssistant Director of Admissions 616.395.7482
daniel@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Julie GazmarianSenior Assistant Director 616.395.7850
gazmarian@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Patrick DanielAssistant Director of Admissions 616.395.7482
daniel@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Patrick DanielAssistant Director of Admissions 616.395.7482
daniel@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie OleshAssociate Director for Admissions 616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Roberto Escalante-GonzalezAdmissions - Representative 616.395.7850
escalante@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Roberto Escalante-GonzalezAdmissions - Representative 616.395.7850
escalante@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Tucker MartyAdmissions Representative 616.395.6844
marty@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Tucker MartyAdmissions Representative 616.395.6844
marty@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Vice President of Admissions
Nate Haveman
Vice President of Enrollment Management616.395.7870
haveman@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Executive Assistant to the Vice President
Lucy George
Project Manager and Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Admissions616.395.7870
georgel@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Angela Augusta
Assistant Director of Admissions616.395.7850
augusta@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Laura Bainbridge
Senior Assistant Director of Admissions616.395.7987
bainbridge@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Megan Blondin
Assistant Director of Campus Experience and Engagement616.395.7850
blondin@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
David Brady
bradyd@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Laurie Brock
Senior Associate Director of Admissions Operations616.395.7954
brockl@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Lisa Bussies
Admissions Receptionist616.395.7850
bussies@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3698
Jim Crawley
Director of Global Recruitment616.395.7648
crawley@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Kristin Diekevers
Director of Campus Experience and Engagement616.395.7909
diekevers@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Leah Dykstra
Associate Director of Admissions616.566.5328
dykstral@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Laurie Ebels
Senior Assistant Director - Events Coordinator616.395.7369
ebels@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Roberto Escalante-Gonzalez
Assistant Director of Admissions616.395.7914
escalante@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Amy Flavin
Associate Director of Admissions Operations616.395.7850
flavin@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Carol Fritz
Senior Associate Director of Admissions616.395.7854
fritzc@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Danae Frost
Associate Director of Admissions616.395.7850
frostd@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Julie Gazmarian
Senior Assistant Director616.395.7850
gazmarian@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Kathleen Geenen
Acceptance Letter Composer616.395.7850
geenen@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Peggy Gorno
Senior Assistant Director of Admissions616.395.7850
gornom@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Gabby Hewitt
Assistant Director for Admissions Visits & Events616.395.7995
hewitt@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Karl Hoesch
Recruiter - Temporaryhoeschk@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Greg Kern
Director of Recruitment616.395.7897
kern@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Dina Martinez Matchinsky
Senior Assistant Director of Admissions & Multicultural Recruitment616.395.7850
matchinsky@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Pedro Martinez Jr.
Associate Director of Admissions616.395.7054
martinez@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Tucker Marty
Assistant Director of Admissions616.395.6844
marty@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Katie McKey
Senior Assistant Director of Admissions616.395.7850
mckey@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Andrew Meyers
Director of Admissions Operations & Communication616.395.7852
meyers@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Barbara Miller
Director of Transfer Admissions and Partnerships616.395.7848
millerb@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Carrie Olesh
Associate Director of Admissions616.395.7850
olesh@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Lance Pellow
Associate Director of Admissions616.395.7910
pellow@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Meredith Phillips
Associate Director of Admissions Data & Systems616.395.7850
phillips@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Joreen Redeker
Acceptance Letter Composer616.395.7850
redeker@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Danielle Reiber
Assistant Director of Admissions Data and Systems616.395.7850
reiber@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Shelley Stauffer
Admissions Receptionist616.395.7850
stauffer@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423-3515
Kelly Wolters
Associate Director of Admissions Communication616.395.7994
woltersk@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
Laura Zavala
Assistant Director of Admissions616.395.7850
zavala@hope.eduBekkering Admissions Office 69 East 10th Street Holland, MI 49423
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