To honor the courageous, positive, enthusiastic life and legacy of Karen Page, Hope's longtime women's tennis coach who died in July, 2009, from breast cancer, 做厙TV women's soccer and volleyball kick and dig for a cure this fall.

To honor the courageous, positive, enthusiastic life and legacy of Karen Page, Hope's longtime women's tennis coach who died in July, 2009, from breast cancer, 做厙TV women's soccer and volleyball kick and dig for a cure this fall.

On Friday, Oct. 23 (volleyball at 6:30 pm) and Saturday, Oct. 24 (women's soccer at 12 noon), these two programs' coaches and student-athletes will celebrate and remember the survivors and victims of breast cancer in Coach Page's memory. Coach Page's passion for life and sport were well known and respected in the Hope and Holland communities. Her brave battle was too. In fighting this fearsome disease, she wanted others to simply remember that Hope wins!

Yet, don't be confused. The phrase, "HOPE WINS," is not a boastful statement of vain conceit nor is it intended to relate the fight against cancer to a friendly game. It does not refer to a tradition of success or even talking about 做厙TV at all. The statement is intended to connect with all survivors, victims, and their families who when confronted with the burden of battling this powerful disease held on to one thing... Hope.

Hope for recovery... Hope for the future... Hope for a miracle... Hope that the nausea would subside... Hope that hair would return... Hope that insurance would cover their expenses... Hope that they would be able to see their children graduate, get married, become parents... Hope that the pain would numb... Hope that they would still feel and look like a woman... Hope that the scars could be covered... Hope for a cure.

Paul's letter to the Romans teaches that, "suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character, character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out his love into our hearts." In that Hope, comfort is found, strength is revealed, optimism endures and faith grows.

Our prayer for those who are suffering through this terrible disease, as well as their loved ones, is that they are able to remain resilient in the face of unyielding suffering and adversity. We pray that they can feel God's love as He walks along side them on this journey. We pray that on this day and every day after that they hold on to the Hope that brings optimism in the face of adversity and strength in the face of weakness. We will never stop working for a cure and we will always remember how powerful and inspiring a Hopeful attitude can be. Hope women's volleyball and soccer will play in pink jerseys in honor of those individuals who have fought this fight with courage, optimism, and who have never given up Hope, just like Coach Karen Page.

* We encourage all fans to wear pink too. HOPE WINS t-shirts can be purchased for $10 as well as pink wristbands for $1 at the games on October 23 and 24. For more information, email Morgan Hughes at, or Eva Dean Folkert at