The Boerigter Center staff is happy to meet with you! Alumni and students, log into Handshake to schedule an appointment. Employers, email to connect with our office.
Executive Director
Shonn Colbrunn
Executive Director, Boerigter Center for Calling and Career616.395.7950
colbrunn@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Suite 136 Holland, MI 49423
Dale Austin
Associate Dean616.395.7950
austin@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Suite 136 Holland, MI 49423
Emily Baker
Health Professions Advisor616.395.7950
baker@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Suite 136 Holland, MI 49423
Krista Carter
Director of Academic Advising616.395.7950
carter@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Suite 136 Holland, MI 49423
Terri Cregg
Health Professions Advisor616.395.7950
cregg@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center Suite 136 141 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Amy Freehafer
Senior Academic and Career Advisor616.395.7950
freehafer@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Suite 136 Holland, MI 49423-3580
Stacy Kemper
Program Manager - Center for Leadership and Boerigter Center for Calling and Career616.395.7950
kemper@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center Suite 136 141 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Maricela Mireles
Career Advisor and Operations Manager616.395.7026
mirelesm@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Suite 136 Holland, MI 49423
Nicolas Pangborn
Career Advisor & Content Specialist616.395.7950
pangbornn@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Suite 136 Holland, MI 49423
Sara Sanchez
Coordinator of Integrative Learning and Academic and Career Advisor616.395.6678
sanchez@hope.eduBultman Student Center Suite 107B 272 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Shannon Schans
Assistant Director of Applied Learning616.395.7950
schans@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Suite 136 Holland, MI 49423
Megan Scheldt
Director of Student Engagement and Operations616.395.7950
scheldtm@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Suite 136 Holland, MI 49423
Beth Szczerowski
Director of Employer Engagement616.395.7950
szczerowski@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center Suite 136 141 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Ryan White
Associate Dean for Leadership Development and Applied Learning616.395.7950
white@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Suite 136 Holland, MI 49423
workP. 616.395.7950