Past Lectures
Series speakers seek to commemorate the impact that Muste’s unwavering commitment to pacifism had on his contemporaries and to inspire current generations to strive for peaceful solutions to the world’s conflicts.
The A. J. Muste Memorial Lectures
2024–25 |
“,” Jim Wallis |
2023–24 |
“,” Shane Claiborne |
2016-17 |
"Accept War and Terror or Build Peace and Justice?," Robert C. Johansen |
2015-16 |
"Strategies for Peacemaking in Israel/Palestine," John Kleinheksel, John D. Paarlberg, Paul H. Verduin |
2014-15 |
"Reconciliation and Emergent Creativity: The Roles of Love and Hope in the Process," Vern Neufeld Redekop |
2013-14 |
"The Power of Nonviolence: Why Peaceful Methods Are More Effective Than the Use of Force," David Cortright |
2012-13 |
"A Thicker Jesus Is the Basis for Just Peace Making," Glen Stassen |
2011-12 |
"Another World Instead: Some Pacifist Poets and Poetics, from William Stafford to Occupy Wall Street," Fred Marchant |
2010-11 |
"Islam and the Practice of Non-Violence," Adam Erickson |
2009-10 | |
2008-09 |
"What the Torture Debate Reveals about American Christianity," David Gushee |
2007-08 |
"I Cannot Love at All: Variations on a Theme by A. J. Muste," Donald Cronkite |
2006-07 |
"The Power of Peace, the Weakness of War," Thomas Arendshorst |
2005-06 |
"Polio, Palestine, and Peace," Jallaa’ Abdelwahab |
2004-05 |
"Becoming Unified," Eileen Lindner |
2002-03 |
"The Way of Peace," Tony Bing |
2001-02 |
"Speaking Truth to Power," Father Roy Bourgeois |
2000-01 |
"Church and Gospel," Norman Kansfield |
1999-2000 |
"Teaching Peace," Colman McCarthy |
1998-99 |
"The Church and Gay People," Mel White |
1997-98 |
"Poems in Memory of A. J. Muste," Daniel Berrigan |
1996-97 |
"Invisible Prison," Kay Perry |
1994-95 |
"Toxic Waste and the Sweatshops of America," Tom O’Brien |
1992-93 |
"Teaching Non-Violence," Kathleen Raley |
1991-92 |
"South African Political Prisoners and Their Re-Entry into Society," Noluthondo Zenke Mgquangqo |
1990-91 |
"Uphill All the Way: The Fate of Reconciliation in the Land of Israel," Daniel Padnos |
1989-90 |
"There Is No Free Press Unless You Have One," Glen Pontier |
1988-89 |
"Engagement with Adversaries: A Principle for Peacemakers," Jim Forest |
1987-88 |
"Christian Violence: A Chronic Pathology," Priscilla Inkpen |
1986-87 |
"Vietnam and the United States: Twelve Years After," Keith Taylor |
1985-86 |
"Martin Luther King: His Legacy for Today," Richard Diets |
1984-85 |
"A. J. Muste: An Historical Preface and Affirmation," JoAnn Robinson |
Dr. Kathleen Verduin
Lubbers Hall-Room 316
126 East 10th Street
Holland, MI 49423-3516