The PATH staff are professionals dedicated to providing students with a positive accelerated educational experience.
Lisa Frissora
Director of PATH616.395.7742
frissora@hope.eduVanZoeren Hall 245 41 Graves Place Holland, MI 49423-3617
Mary Eagin
PATH Instructor616.395.7742
eagin@hope.eduVanZoeren Hall 245 41 Graves Place Holland, MI 49423-3617
Robert Hazen
PATH Instructor616.395.7742
hazen@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 1045 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Maegan Kaiser
PATH Instructor616.395.7742
kaiser@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 1045 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Lauren Stephenson
PATH Instructor616.395.7742
stephensonl@hope.eduVan Zoeren Hall 41 Graves Place Holland, MI 49423
Gary Vruggink
PATH Instructor616.395.7742
vruggink@hope.eduVanZoeren Hall 245 41 Graves Place Holland, MI 49423-3617
Kurt Wittenberg
PATH Instructor616.395.7742
wittenberg@hope.eduA. Paul Schaap Science Center Room 1045 35 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
workP. 616.395.7742