Initium is an orientation and mentoring program for new faculty at °µÍøTV.
Mentoring Program
New faculty members are assigned a faculty mentor from outside their department who will meet with them three or more times a semester beginning their second semester at Hope and continuing through the end of their third year. New faculty are surveyed about their priorities for a mentor, and these priorities are used for making mentoring matches. Experienced faculty are recruited who can provide the kinds of expertise and relational qualities new faculty may be seeking. Before starting a mentoring relationship, these experienced faculty attend an orientation session to discuss aims and expectations for mentoring.
Dr. Marissa Doshi Associate Professor of Communication 616.395.6800
doshi@hope.eduMartha Miller Center 115 257 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
Dr. Steven McMullen Professor of Economics 616.395.7579
mcmullen@hope.eduVanZoeren 180 41 Graves Place Holland, MI 49423
workP. 616.395.7785