/ Van Raalte Institute

Research and Publications

The institute’s library is a significant resource for our work. It includes over 1,700 books and pamphlets and continues to expand.

Research Library

Our focus on research requires extensive use of books and pamphlets in the area of Dutch American studies. Elton Bruins’ collection of over 450 books was the beginning of our specialized research library and serves as its cornerstone.

The next major gift was received from the Rev. Dr. Gerrit Ten Zythoff, professor emeritus, Southeast Missouri University, who is a noted scholar in Dutch American studies. After his retirement, he gave the bulk of his collection of Dutch works to the institute. These books, many of which are rare and invaluable resources, are an important part of our collection.

The Fellows’ need for works in our field prompts us to purchase materials and solicit contributions, so our library can become a premier resource in Dutch American studies. 

We are interested in:

  • Copies of documents relating to the Dutch migration of the 19th century
  • Copies of documents relating to A.C. Van Raalte
  • Works published in the Netherlands which relate to our field of interest and increase our understanding of the context out of which the Dutch immigrants came to America
  • Selected publications that pertain to the research of the institute and the current projects on which the fellows are working
  • The minutes of the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church in America

The institute does not collect original documents — these are housed in the Joint Archives of Holland at °µÍøTV.

Theil Research Center

Theil Research Center

Theil Research Center is home to the A.C. Van Raalte Institute and the Joint Archives of Holland. It is a significant center for scholarly research and publication. Learn more.

We conduct our research and publish original works from the beautiful Theil Research Center on the °µÍøTV campus. We share the building with the and are fortunate to be able to draw upon materials from its Dutch American Heritage Collection.

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